Ленка (Ленка Крипач; англ. Lenka; англ. Lenka Kripac; нар. 19 березня 1978, Сідней, Австралія) — австралійська співачка і актриса. Відома виконанням пісні «Everything at once» (укр. «Все одразу»), відеокліп на яку став основою рекламного ролика операційної системи Windows 8 компанії Microsoft.
Ленка народилась в сім'ї чехословацького музиканта і вчительки з Австралії. Виросла на океанському узбережжі в австралійському штаті Новий Південний Уельс. Займатись музикою почала в 7 років в Сіднеї, зі вступом до школи. Будучи підлітком, Ленка вивчила акторську майстерність в школі при Австралійському театрі для дітей та юнацтва, де займалась разом з актрисою Кейт Бланшетт.
Вивчаємо англійську мову за допомогою пісень
Сообщений 1 страница 8 из 8
Поделиться118-12-2015 11:43:00
Поделиться218-12-2015 12:26:48
Lenka - Everything At Once
Lenka - Everything At Once( Live)
Lenka - Everything At Once "Усім відразу"
Зі своїми студентами порівняльну конструкцію "as...as" ми вивчали саме на основі даного пісенного тексту!
As sly as a fox, as strong as an ox
As fast as a hare, as brave as a bear
As free as a bird, as neat as a word
As quiet as a mouse, as big as a houseAll I wanna be, all I wanna be, oh
All I wanna be is everythingAs mean as a wolf, as sharp as a tooth
As deep as a bite, as dark as the night
As sweet as a song, as right as a wrong
As long as a road, as ugly as a toadAs pretty as a picture hanging from a fixture
Strong like a family, strong as I wanna be
Bright as day, as light as play
As hard as nails, as grand as a whaleAll I wanna be, oh, all I wanna be, oh
All I wanna be is everything, everything at once
Everything at once, oh, everything at onceAs warm as the sun, as silly as fun
As cool as a tree, as scary as the sea
As hot as fire, cold as ice
Sweet as sugar and everything niceAs old as time, as straight as a line
As royal as a queen, as buzzed as a bee
As stealth as a tiger, smooth as a glider
Pure as a melody, pure as I wanna beAll I wanna be, oh, all I wanna be, oh
All I wanna be is everything, everything at once
1.Випишіть з тексту пісні іменники та перекладіть їх.
2 Випишіть з тексту пісні прикметники.
3.Утворіть із виписаних прикметників ступені порівняння (де це можливо!).
4.Знайдіть в тексті пісні усі стійкі словосполучення та випишіть їх.
5.Перекладіть наступні речення англійською мовою, використовуючи порівняльну конструкцію "as...as":
- Сьогодні не так тепло, як було вчора.
- Це питання не таке просте, як здається.
- Марічка така ж красуня, як і її мама.
- Пісні Лєнки не такі популярні, як пісні групи "Бітлз".
- Цей готель не такий дешевий, як ми очікували.
- Іван не так добре грає в теніс, як Петро.
- Цей фільм не такий цікавий як той, що ми дивились вчора.
- В НЛТУ України навчається не так багато студентів, як у ЛНУ ім. І.Франка.
6.Перекладіть наступні стійкі словосполучення та вивчіть їх нппам"ять:
as dry as dust
as light as a feather
as sharp as a knife
as quick as a flash
as white as a sheet
as old as the hills
as drunk as a lord
as poor as a church mouse
as cool as a cucumber
as thin as a rake
as deaf as a post
7. Зробіть інші завдання онлайн:
https://www.ego4u.com/en/cram-up/gramma … ercises?02
http://www.englisch-hilfen.de/en/exerci … _as_as.htm
http://first-english.org/english_learni … _as_as.htm
Примітка! Хто із студентів першим виконає усі завдання тут на форумі, у цій темі - отримає бали бали за ПК
Успіхів Вам!
Поделиться304-02-2016 20:30:30
Усі виконані та правильно пронумеровані завдання записуєте ось ТУТ
Успіхів вам!!!
Поделиться405-02-2016 07:46:21
The little chick cheep
On the radio there's a little chick
On the radio there's a little chick
And the chick cheep, and the chick cheep...On the radio there's a little hen
On the radio there's a little hen
And the hen co-co
And the chick cheep, and the chick cheep...On the radio there's a little cock
On the radio there's a little cock
And the cock doodle-doo
And the hen co-co
And the chick cheep, and the chick cheep...On the radio there's a little turkey
On the radio there's a little turkey
And the turkey gobble gobble
And the cock doodle-doo
And the hen co-co
And the chick cheep, and the chick cheep...On the radio there's a little pigeon
On the radio there's a little pigeon
And the pigeon cru cru
And the turkey gobble gobble
And the cock doodle-doo
And the hen co-co
And the chick cheep, and the chick cheep...On the radio there's a little cat
On the radio there's a little cat
And the cat mew
And the pigeon cru cru
And the turkey gobble gobble
And the cock doodle-doo
And the hen co-co
And the chick cheep, and the chick cheep...On the radio there's a little dog
On the radio there's a little dog
And the dog woof
And the cat mew
And the pigeon cru cru
And the turkey gobble gobble
And the cock doodle-doo
And the hen co-co
And the chick cheep, and the chick cheep...On the radio there's a little goat
On the radio there's a little goat
And the goat mah
And the dog woof
And the cat mew
And the pigeon cru cru
And the turkey gobble gobble
And the cock doodle-doo
And the hen co-co
And the chick cheep, and the chick cheep...On the radio there's a little lamb
On the radio there's a little lamb
And the lamb bah
And the goat mah
And the dog woof
And the cat mew
And the pigeon cru cru
And the turkey gobble gobble
And the cock doodle-doo
And the hen co-co
And the chick cheep, and the chick cheep...On the radio there's a little cow
On the radio there's a little cow
And the cow mow
And the lamb bah
And the goat mah
And the dog woof
And the cat mew
And the pigeon cru cru
And the turkey gobble gobble
And the cock doodle-doo
And the hen co-co
And the chick cheep, and the chick cheep...On the radio there's a little bull
On the radio there's a little bull
And the bull muu
The cow mow
The lamb bah
And the goat mah
And the dog woof
And the cat mew
And the pigeon cru cru
And the turkey gobble gobble
And the cock doodle-doo
And the hen co-co
And the chick cheep, and the chick cheep...On the radio there's a little tractor
On the radio there's a little tractor
And the tractor brumm
The tractor brumm
The tractor brumm
And the chick... oh oh
Поделиться511-02-2016 09:50:24
Lyrics to A Little Peace:
Just like a flower when winter begins
Just like a candle blown out in the wind
Just like a bird that can no longer fly
I'm feeling that way sometimeBut then, as I'm falling, weighed down by the load
I picture a light at the end of the road
And closing my eyes, I can see through the dark
The dream that is in my heartA little lovin', a little givin'
To build a dream for the world we live in
A little patience and understanding
For our tomorrow, a little peaceA little sunshine, a sea of gladness
To wash away all the tears of sadness
A little hoping, a little praying
For our tomorrow, a little peaceI feel I'm a leaf in the November snow
I fell to the ground, there was no one below
So now I am helpless, alone with my song
Just wishing the storm was goneA little lovin', a little givin'
To build a dream for the world we live in
A little patience and understanding
For our tomorrow, a little peaceA little sunshine, a sea of gladness
To wash away all the tears of sadness
A little hoping, a little praying
For our tomorrow, a little peaceWe are feathers on the breeze
(A little lovin', a little givin')
(To build a dream for the world we live in)
Sing with me my song of Peace
(A little patience and understanding)
(For our tomorrow, a little peace)We are feathers on the breeze
(A little sunshine, a sea of gladness)
(To wash away all the tears of sadness)
Sing with me my song of peace
(A little hoping, a little praying)
(For our tomorrow, a little peace)
Офіційний сайт співачки Ніколь http://www.nicole-4-u.de/
Поделиться619-02-2016 07:20:13
NicoleWhen I was a little girl
I lived in a painter's world
Coloring my hopes and fears
In pictures no one sawI discovered later on
How to tell my tale in song
All the joy and all the tears
It's you I'm singing forSo many songs are in my heart
They keep us close when we're apart
In every line of melody a dream comes true
So many songs are in my heart
And when I heart the music start
It doesn't matter where you are
I'm there with youLove can write a million tunes
Fill a million empty rooms
We could live in harmony
In a house of song
Spend a while in paradise
I have often paid the price
Now the notes I sang are mine
All back where they belongSo many songs are in my heart
They keep us close when we're apart
In every line of melody a dream comes true
So many songs are in my heart
And when I heart the music start
It doesn't matter where you are
I'm there with youAnd if at first it seems I sound a little sad
Because I'm lonely now without you here to make me glad
You know my longing follows everywhere you go
For every song reminds me how I love you so